Affiliated HR Payroll Blog

Changing an Employees Hours for a Part Time Job

Written by Afilliated HR & Payroll | Jan 4, 2023 1:23:20 PM

An employee let us know they got a part-time job and would like to change their hours. Do we have to change their schedule?

No. An employee wanting to change their hours because they got a second job is not something you’re required to accommodate. Even so, we wouldn’t recommend immediately giving the employee an ultimatum to keep working their current schedule or resign. Instead, we’d suggest talking with your employee about different options to see what you can make work. They may have some scheduling flexibility with their new job. One of their coworkers at your organization may be willing to change or swap their shift. There may also be additional shifts with your organization they could work instead of seeking additional income elsewhere.

If you exhaust these options and are still unable to accommodate the employee’s requested schedule change, you may just need to tell the employee no and let them decide what to do.

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