A concern that many employers are facing is if employees are sanitizing their workstations and wearing masks when required and if safety precautions can be investigated even if there is no official complaint. Here is an answer that we found helpful.
It is recommended you investigate the matter and take appropriate enforcement or disciplinary action.
As an employer, you have an obligation under the OSHA general duty clause to provide a workplace free from hazards. Under the circumstances, this may mean requiring that employees wear face coverings in the workplace and complete additional cleaning and disinfecting protocols to prevent spread of COVID-19.
If you don’t already have a written policy in place regarding safety and PPE requirements, we suggest issuing one now and having all employees sign an acknowledgment of receipt of the policy. We also recommend notifying employees that they will be held accountable to the policy and can be disciplined regardless of whether they sign it.
Content courtesy of the HR Support Center - https://affiliatedpayroll.myhrsupportcenter.com